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Parishil Patel KC
Year of call: 1996
Silk: 2018
“An excellent advocate and an extremely adept cross-examiner. His knowledge of the law and relevant developments is always up to date, and he has first-rate intellectual and analytical skills.” Chambers and Partners
Parishil Patel has a wide ranging public law practice which encompasses health, community care, local government (including regulation, audit and standards), telecommunications, data protection and confidentiality, prisons, immigration, public international law, incapacity and best interests.
He has extensive experience of advising and acting for and against public bodies in judicial review claims (in the High Court), including claims brought challenging local and central government policy and involving statutory construction and in proceedings in various Tribunals. He also has extensive experience of arguing ECHR issues in domestic courts and advising on human rights in the policy context.
Over the last 8 years, Parishil has been regularly advising and acting in claims arising from the award of public and utilities contracts.
He also has a broad regulatory and disciplinary law practice acting for and against, amongst others, the SRA, GDC and NHS England.
Parishil is a CEDR accredited mediator.
Parishil is recommended by Chambers & Partners and The Legal 500 for Administrative & Public Law and also by Chambers & Partners for Court of Protection.
Areas of expertise
Administrative and Public Law (includes Human Rights)
"He will quite often drop everything at very short notice to help. Really responsive and really good at handling clients, he always gives great advice." Chambers and Partners
Includes health, community care, local government (including regulation, audit and standards), telecommunications, data protection and confidentiality, prisons, immigration, public international law, incapacity and best interests
Extensive experience of advising and acting for and against public bodies in judicial review claims (in the High Court, Court of Appeal and House of Lords), including claims brought challenging local and central government policy and involving statutory construction and in proceedings in various Tribunals (Parole Board, MHRT, Care Standards). Extensive experience of arguing ECHR issues in domestic courts and advising on human rights in the policy context
Recent work includes:
- Representing a NHS Trust in proceedings concerning the proper construction of NHS regulations relating to the remuneration of doctors for travelling time
- Advising a local authority as to the meaning of "residence" in section 117 of the Mental Health Act 1983
- Acting for Hackney Carriage drivers in a judicial review challenge to the local authority's decision to de-regulate the market
- Acting for an auditor in a statutory appeal against the decision not to apply to court
- Advising a commercial company as to the merits of a judicial review challenge to a decision by the Vehicle Registration Agency
- Acting for the National History Museum in a judicial review challenge brought by an Aboriginal group for the repatriation of human bones
- Advising a telecommunications company in Trinidad & Tobago (with Nigel Pleming QC) in a judicial review challenge to the decision of the regulatory body fixing the pricing structure of market
- Acting for the Ministry of Justice in judicial review challenges concerning the proper statutory construction of transitional provisions challenging the early release provisions of the Criminal Justice Act 2003
- Representing a NHS trust in "right to die" proceedings
- Advising a local authority on vires issues in respect of the provision of continuing healthcare
- Acting for the Secretary of State in a judicial review challenge in which an Iraqi citizen claims jurisdiction under the ECHR (Article 1) for acts done by British armed forces in Iraq
- Representing NHS Trusts and prison governors defending Article 2 claims arising out of patient's deaths and deaths in custody;
Public Procurement Law
Recent work includes:
- Acting for a firm of solicitors in a claim against the LSC arising out of the tender for the 2010 Civil Contracts
- Advising a large consultancy firm in respect of the procurement exercise for the provision of consultancy services to government departments through framework agreements
- Advising a UK company in proceedings under the 2006 Regulations against a local authority
- Representing a UK company in proceedings under the 2006 Regulations against the Royal Shakespeare Company
- Advising a major UK company in respect of a contract award made by the British Library for facilities management under the 2006 Regulations
Advising the Civil Engineering and Development Department of Hong Kong as to whether a process contract was formed during the tender process of a multi million pound construction project.
Commercial and Construction Litigation
Includes policy disputes on insurance claims, product liability claims, VAT related disputes, employment related disputes, commercial agency agreements, building contracts, defective design and workmanship and claims for delay & disruption. Professional negligence claims involving solicitors, architects, engineers and surveyors
Recent work includes:
- Representing a large waste company in a commercial dispute relating to the recycling of WEEE. Claim worth £2.5 million; counterclaim worth £10 million
- Representing the Highways Agency in a claim against a major UK contractor for defective design and construction of the M60 motorway in a claim worth £45 million
- Advising a pharmaceutical company as to the effect of a Exclusive Distribution and Sale and Purchase Agreement relating to the introduction of products into the UK market
- Acting for a major UK engineering company on a claim for delay and disruption arising out of shutdown works in relation to a petrochemical plant worth £10 million
- Representing a claimant in a claim arising out of the wrongful repudiation of life insurance policies
Regulatory and Disciplinary
Broad regulatory and disciplinary law practice acting for and against, amongst others, the SRA, GDC and the GSCC.
Recent work includes:
- Obtaining orders for seizure of files and documents following the SRA's intervention into Wolstenholmes LLP
- Advising a solicitor's firm on the viability of setting up non-lawyer companies
- Representing GDC at Fitness to Practise hearings and at Interim Order Committees
Parishil is recommended by Chambers and Partners for Court of Protection law and Administrative and Public Law.
He is recommended by The Legal 500 for his work in Administrative and Public Law, and Immigration and Nationality law.
“He’s extremely approachable, dependable and thorough in his work.” “He’s excellent on his feet and good at picking up complex matters at short notice.” Chambers and Partners 2017
“Excellent with clients, giving them clear and practical advice.” “A very succinct advocate. A very good cross-examiner.” “Pragmatic and sensible.” Chambers and Partners 2017
“Very bright, capable and good with clients” The Legal 500 2016
“He brings a holistic and analytical approach to complex welfare cases and has excellent advocacy and client skills. Thorough in his approach and with an excellent understanding of the law, he always swiftly grasps the key issues. He is able to deal with matters practically and efficiently.” Chambers and Partners 2016
“He’s very approachable and practical and extremely good with clients.” “His advocacy is to the point, concise and well articulated.” Chambers and Partners 2016
“Particular expertise advising on judicial review” The Legal 500 2015
“He will quite often drop everything at very short notice to help. Really responsive and really good at handling clients, he always gives great advice.” Chambers and Partners 2014
“He’s very good on his feet.” Chambers and Partners 2014
“An excellent advocate and an extremely adept cross-examiner. His knowledge of the law and relevant developments is always completely up to date, and he has first-rate intellectual and analytical skills.” Chambers and Partners 2014
“Unflappable, very in command and very calm.” Chambers and Partners 2014
‘First-rate intellectual and analytical skills.’ The Legal 500 2014
“When you see his name on a matter, you know you’ll have an efficient trial.” Chambers and Partners 2014
“He can get to grips with lots of information at very short notice, and keeps calm in tense situations. As an advocate, he is clear and straightforward – he’s entirely in control.” Chambers and Partners 2014
“He is excellent in court, even when picking something up with very little time to prepare.” Chambers and Partners 2014