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David Mitchell
Year of call: 2004
“David is an outstanding advocate and his ability to grasp complex areas of law second to none.” The Legal 500 2023
“David gives his all under difficult circumstances and has been very generous with his time. He is very good on his feet indeed and unfazed by “bigger” opposition. Clients love him.” The Legal 500 2021
David’s practice spans information and media, employment, commercial, sport, regulatory and disciplinary law. He is ranked as a leading junior in Defamation & Privacy, Data Protection, and Employment Law. David was shortlisted for “Technology and data junior of the year” at The Legal 500 Bar Awards 2022. Previously, he was a member of the Attorney General’s A panel of junior civil counsel.
Areas of expertise
Information and Media
“A very approachable barrister with clients and a strong background in high value claims.” The Legal 500, Defamation & Privacy 2021
In his media practice, David advises and acts in libel, slander, malicious falsehood, breach of confidence/misuse of private of information and data protection matters. His clients include private individuals, journalists, MPs, political parties, free speech organisations, central and devolved government departments, corporate bodies, NGOs and charities.
In his information law practice, David advises in respect of regulatory matters involving the Information Commissioner's Office and acts in private law data protection claims in the civil courts and public law judicial review claims in the Administrative Court. David appears before the First-tier Tribunal and Upper Tribunal in Freedom of Information Act appeals.
Cases of note:
- Gotti v Holland - successful for defendant medical whistleblower in publication harassment case against owner of cosmetic surgery clinic. Application for interim injunction and claim certified as totally without merit. Court applied SRA’s guidance on ‘strategic lawsuits against public participation’ (SLAPPs)
- Sahota v MATV [2021] EWHC 3363 (QB) - Libel damages following trial of £60,000 plus indemnity costs and injunctions for claimant political activist.
- Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office v Information Commissioner, Lownie & Ors (Sections 23 and 24) [2021] UKUT 248 (AAC); [2022] 1 W.L.R 1132 - Successful appeal against release of papers of Cambridge Spy, Guy Burgess, under FOIA. Leading authority on national security exemptions (led by Sir James Eadie KC).
- Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis v Kevin Spacey QB/2021/00367 - Without notice worldwide interim injunction for destruction of confidential information concerning the right to anonymity under s1, Sexual Offences (Amendment) Act 1992. Conflict of laws with US.
- Sivier v Riley [2021] EWCA Civ 713; [2021] 4 W.L.R. 84 ; [2021] E.M.L.R. 22 (CA) - Leading authority concerning publication on a matter of public interest defence (s4 Defamation Act 2013). Successful for appellant journalist.
- RPB v Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs [2019] EWHC 3852 (QB) - Successful for defendant in transferring misuse of private information and DPA claims from High Court to County Court under s.40(2) County Courts Act 1984. Transfer upheld upon claimant’s appeal.
- Dhir v Saddler [2018] 4 W.L.R. 1; Times, 2 January 2018 - Successful for claimant following five-day slander trial concerning defendant’s statement that claimant had threatened to slit her throat. Authority on serious harm in the context of slander.
“Has a wide employment law practice that is bolstered by his knowledge of media and public law.” “He takes a pragmatic approach and is a thorough cross-examiner.” “His knowledge of the law is first-rate and he’s an excellent advocate.” Chambers and Partners 2021.
David regularly acts in employment disputes concerning data protection, libel, privacy, freedom of expression and/or reporting issues. In the commercial context, David acts in contractual disputes including breach of confidence, restraint of trade and bonus disputes.
Before the Employment Tribunal, David acts for employees and employers in the full range of statutory claims with a particular emphasis on complex discrimination, whistleblowing and working time cases. He has been involved in various appellate cases concerning the jurisdiction of the Employment Tribunal compared to the civil courts.
David contributes the chapter on Employment Contracts and Compromise in Foskett on Compromise.
Cases of note:
- Yorke v Glaxosmithkline Services Unlimited EA-2019-000962-BA - Successful for employer in complex disability discrimination appeal. Employment Appeal Tribunal guidance on list of issues in case management of disability discrimination claims.
- Irwell Insurance Company Ltd v Watson [2021] I.C.R. 1034; [2021] Lloyd’s Rep. I.R. 145; Times, March 10, 2021 (CA) - Jurisdiction of the Employment Tribunal to hear claims under the Third Parties (Rights Against Insurers) Act 2010. For appellant insurer.
- Gemini Europe Ltd v Sawyer [2020] EWHC 3377 (QB) - Non-compete and confidential information interim injunction. For employee (led by William McCormick KC).
- Hopkins v HMRC [2020] EWHC 2355 (QB) - Employer’s strike out of data protection claims concerning investigation of alleged serious criminality by senior civil servant.
- London Underground Ltd v Amissah & Ors [2019] I.C.R. 1155, [2019] I.R.L.R. 545 (CA) - Successful for agency workers in group action concerning compensation under Agency Worker Regulations.
- Thompson v Ark Schools [2019] I.C.R. 292 - Successful appeal for claimant concerning time limits in pregnancy / maternity discrimination (instructed by Equality and Human Rights Commission).
- Robert Newbound v Thames Water Utilities Ltd [2015] I.R.L.R. 734 (CA): - Successful for employee in appeal concerning apparent bias of Employment Appeal Tribunal.
David acts and advises in commercial litigation involving contractual claims, partnership disputes, civil fraud, directors’ disputes and breaches of fiduciary duties.
David is used to acting on short notice in urgent injunction proceedings involving misappropriation of confidential information and in applications for Norwich Pharmacal orders.
Recent work includes:
- Reid & Reid v Warner Music UK Ltd - acting for the founding members of The Jesus and Mary Chain in a royalty dispute with the defendant recording company.
- Kea Investments Limited v Eric John Watson (Fladgate LLP intervening) [2023] EWHC 1768 (Ch) & [2023] EWHC 1830 (Ch) - for LLP in application to protect commercial confidentiality of settlement agreement.
- Pharmacosmos A/S v The University of Glasgow - pharmaceutical manufacturer’s claim concerning the commercial exploitation of clinical trial data. For defendant university.
David advises and acts for sports bodies and individuals in regulatory matters and disputes concerning confidentiality, privacy, defamation and data protection.
He has acted in a number of claims for and against unincorporated associations including in injunction proceedings concerning suspension and expulsion from clubs and the issuing of fines.
David was a guest speaker at the LawInSport inaugural Motorsport Law Conference discussing “Trusting your team and protecting sensitive data”.
Regulatory and Disciplinary
David has a litigation and advisory practice acting for regulators and individuals, principally in the legal and healthcare professions.
Recent work includes:
- PSA v NMC & Namusisi [2023] EWHC 1230 (Admin); (2023) 194 B.M.L.R. 144 - for Authority in appeal against sanction. NMC’s 12 month suspension order substituted with erasure from register.
- Advising the BSB on derogations from open justice in BTAS Disciplinary Tribunal proceedings.
Administrative and Public
“Able to grasp complex cases quickly. Great advocacy skills.” Administrative Law and Human Rights - The Legal 500 2023
“David is a charming but robust advocate and is an asset to his clients.” Immigration (including business immigration) - The Legal 500 2023
As a previous appointee to the AG’s and EHRC’s panels David is experienced in a broad range of judicial review litigation:
Cases of note:
- R. (Alliance of Turkish Businesspeople) v SSHD [2020] 1 W.L.R. 2436; [2020] Imm. A.R. 1148; [2020] I.N.L.R. 564 (CA) - Successful cross-appeal concerning whether ECAA immigration guidance was capable of giving rise to a substantive legitimate expectation (led by Sir James Eadie KC).
- R. (Karagul & Ors) v SSHD [2019] EWHC 3208 (Admin) - Replacement of statutory appeal by administrative review for ECAA applicants did not breach principle of effectiveness under EU law (led by Deok Joo Rhee KC).
- Home Office v JA [2019] EWHC 49 (QB) - Successful appeal against finding of unlawful detention concerning eight-month-old child who had not proven his British nationality under the British Nationality (Proof of Paternity) Regulations 2006.
- Soner Kotuk v Entry Clearance Officer, Warsaw [2019] 4 W.L.R. 10 [2019] Imm. A.R. 735 (CA) - The Court of Appeal confirmed “standstill clause” in the additional protocol to the Ankara Agreement did not apply to right of establishment. Successful for respondent (led by Deok Joo Rhee KC)
- R. (Fire Brigades Union) v South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Authority [2018] EWHC 1229 (Admin); [2018] I.R.L.R. 717; [2018] 3 C.M.L.R. 27 - For defendant fire authority in judicial review concerning compliance of firefighters’ shift system with Working Time Regulations.
- R. (Talpada) v SSHD [2018] EWCA Civ 841 (CA): - Successful for SSHD concerning points based system (PBS) challenge based on evidential flexibility and legitimate expectation.
- NE-A (Nigeria) & HM (Uganda) v SSHD [2017] EWCA 239; Imm. A.R. 1077; [2018] INLR 88 (CA) - Successful in joined appeals concerning article 8 claims of foreign national offenders resisting deportation.
'An excellent junior.' - Employment - The Legal 500 2024
‘David’s tenacious and robust approach in his advocacy, together with his considered strategy, achieves success in complex cases.’ – Data Protection – The Legal 500 2024
“David is an outstanding advocate and his ability to grasp complex areas of law second to none.” Employment - The Legal 500 2023
“Able to grasp complex cases quickly. Great advocacy skills.” Administrative Law and Human Rights - Legal 500 2023
“David is a charming but robust advocate and is an asset to his clients.” Immigration (including business immigration) - Legal 500 2023
“A very approachable barrister with clients and a strong background in high value claims.” The Legal 500 2022 – Defamation and Privacy
“Has a wide employment law practice that is bolstered by his knowledge of media and public law.” “He takes a pragmatic approach and is a thorough cross-examiner.” “His knowledge of the law is first-rate and he’s an excellent advocate.” Chambers & Partners 2021 – Employment
“David gives his all under difficult circumstances and has been very generous with his time. He is very good on his feet indeed and unfazed by ‘bigger’ opposition. Clients love him.”’ The Legal 500 2021 – Employment
“David excelled at providing practical and thorough technical advice which, in conference with our lay client, he was competently able to condense and explain.” The Legal 500 2021 – Defamation and Privacy
“A strong advocate who is very pragmatic and excellent at handling a judge.” “He has broad knowledge of all aspects of employment law and is a fierce advocate who will fight for the client.” Chambers & Partners 2020 – Employment
“An excellent barrister with all the key ingredients: a good mind; being tactically astute; knowledgeable in the law and a compelling manner with clients.” The Legal 500 2020 – Employment
“Attracting attention in both defamation and privacy matters.” The Legal 500 2020 – Defamation and Privacy
“Really thorough in his preparation. Excellent on his feet and well-liked by clients.” Chambers & Partners 2019 – Employment
“His work is always of a high standard. He is always well prepared and extremely approachable.” The Legal 500 2019 – Defamation and Privacy
“Sharp and incredibly focused. He has a finely tuned moral compass and is excellent on his feet.” Chambers & Partners 2018 – Employment