Fees and Service Delivery

Instructing Counsel

Our clerks are knowledgeable and frank in their appraisal of barristers’ suitability and availability for a particular matter. Their manner, skills and attention to detail ensure that clients are dealt with in a friendly, efficient and effective way.


The clerks are sensitive to market forces, and maintain an open and flexible approach to fee structures. They endeavor to make realistic estimates as to the cost and time of any work required, based on their many years of experience.

The most commonly used pricing models are either an agreed hourly rate, which may vary according to the seniority and experience of counsel, the complexity and urgency of the case, a fixed fee or an agreed brief fee and refreshers. The brief fee model is a fixed fee covering preparation for a hearing and the first day of trial. Thereafter a refresher, or a fixed daily fee may be agreed. Fees will include VAT where applicable.

The clerks will discuss with a prospective client the factors which will be taken into account in reaching an agreement on the fees model suitable to any case

The following factors may influence the timescale for the provision of services:

  • The availability of the barrister
  • The availability of the client or relevant third parties;
  • The complexity of the case;
  • The amount of papers the barrister will need to review;
  • Following the review of the initial documentation the need for additional information or documents and the time scale for their delivery;
  • The approach taken by the other side;
  • Third parties intervening in the case;
  • Court waiting times
  • The urgency of the matter

Further information about how our fees are charged are set out in our Client Care Document

Timescales for the Provision of Work

The time scale within which a barrister will be able to provide the work required will vary depending on such factors as availability, the complexity of the case, the volume of documentation and the need for additional documents or information. The barrister will supply the services by or on such dates as may be agreed with the solicitor or client and prompt notification will be provided where unavoidable difficulties arise. Where no specific date has been agreed the services will be provided within a reasonable time having regard to the urgency and nature of the services

Electronic Information

39 Essex Chambers is fully networked. Each member has a personal e-mail address to facilitate the speedy exchange of information and documentation.

Delivery of Services

Members of Chambers are available to provide advice and assistance through formal written opinions, in conference, by fax and e-mail, or by telephone, as well as by video or Internet conference. For the convenience of clients, members can attend conferences at clients’ offices, both inside and outside London.

Please click here to view the 39 Essex Chambers Client Care Document.

Email Send & Receive Attachment Limits

In order to maximize our system performance and reliability 39 Essex Chambers governs the maximum file size that we can send or receive as an attachment to each email message. The Chambers maximum message size to send out or receive to email systems outside of our network is 20 megabytes. If you have attachments larger than 20 megabytes you can contact it@39essex.com and we will be happy to assist you.


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If you experience any difficulties accessing the site please contact marketing.

We are happy to make reasonable adjustments to our practices and facilities in order to improve accessibility for those with disabilities or special requirements.  We are also happy to provide information on our website in an alternative format. Please contact us in order to arrange this.

Business Integrity

We are committed to conducted our business according to a high standard of business integrity. You can view our Anti-Bribery Policy here and Modern Slavery Statement here

Client Confidentiality and Information Barriers

We recognise the absolute importance of client confidentiality and members of Chambers and staff are aware and trained in their duties in this regard (Core Duty 6 of the Bar Standards Board’s Handbook and rC89.5).

We have a policy and procedures in place to safeguard confidentiality within Chambers, particularly where members of Chambers are instructed by different parties or are appointed as an arbitrator or in some other capacity to determine or resolve the dispute.

Please contact Lindsay Scott if you would like further information about our policy and procedures.