Richard Wald KC
Year of call: 1997
Silk: 2020
Welcome to this week's bumper edition of our Planning, Environment and Property newsletter. We hope that you are all keeping safe as we become more accustomed to new ways of working and collaborating.
As well as our ongoing webinars, this week also saw the launch of our online bulletin summarising the key documents from the UK's planning and environmental regulators and government agencies regarding their responses to the COVID-19 pandemic. Our intention is twofold: first, to maintain an online summary; second, to provide regular updates via this newsletter, which will highlight any changes to the attached summary and, we hope, will develop into a reference resource for those working in related fields as the pandemic (and associated restrictions) develop. You can read the bulletin here.
This week's edition comprises contributions from: Richard Wald QC and Ruth Keating (the second of their articles looking at another key aspect of the Environment Bill); Peter Village QC (discussing a decision of the Supreme Court on the meaning of "openness" in national Green Belt policy); Paul Stinchcombe QC (considering permitted development and barn conversions); Simon Edwards (on the forfeiture of deposits during the present crisis); and John Pugh-Smith (on a range of ways to creatively ease 'The Lockdown' in a Planning Context).
Click here to read the full newsletter.