Central Issues for the Central Region - Planning & Environmental Law Update
Stephen Tromans QC, John Pugh-Smith and Gethin Thomas will present 39 Essex Chambers' annual Birmingham regional seminar virtually this year via Zoom, focussing on planning and environmental issues relevant to the Midlands region. Topics will include:
Section 106 agreements (Norfolk Homes Ltd v North Norfolk District Council and another [2020] EWHC 2265 (QB))
Five year supply (Peel Investments (North) Ltd v Secretary of State for Housing Communities And Local Government & Anor [2019] EWHC 2143)
Update on key environmental issues in Birmingham (including the approved CAZ, and Route to Zero)
Challenges to major infrastructure schemes (such as the recent cases concerning HS2, RIS2, and Heathrow Airport)
Green Belt openness - latest judicial clarifications (including discussion of The Eternal Wall of Answered Prayer national monument planning consent and the recent DCO granted for M42 Junction 6 improvement project)
Change of use (including an update on the recently implemented changes to use classes and general permitted development rights)