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Christian Du Cann
Year of call: 1982
"Christian Du Cann is one of the most respected juniors in the market, with a well-earned reputation given his exceptional courtroom abilities." Chambers and Partners 2023
Christian Du Cann has appeared in both the Chambers Directory and the Legal 500 as a leading junior barrister in personal injury every year since 1998. He is also ranked for Industrial Disease in Chambers & Partners and Health & Safety in Legal 500. He appears in court frequently against silks, and acts for both Claimants and Defendants. Chambers & Partners also named Christian in the Chambers 100, a list of the top 100 juniors practising at the Bar across all practice areas.
Areas of expertise
Personal Injury
"Christian is a very experienced and knowledgeable barrister, very personable and excellent on his feet." Chambers and Partners 2023
He has a special interest in medico-legal work and the majority of his personal injury practice comprises claims involving either catastrophic injury or industrial disease. He has particular experience in employer's liability claims and appeared for many public companies through almost all the major EL/PL insurers defending claims involving stress, abuse, asbestos, WRULD and VWF.
He appears regularly in the criminal courts defending HSE prosecutions. He is fully conversant with the recurring liability issues in road traffic and work-place accidents, public liability claims, foreign torts and sports accidents.
Clinical Negligence
Christian has also practised clinical negligence for the past 10 years as a significant part of his established medico-legal practice acting for both Claimants and Defendants in the usual areas associated with such claims: cerebral palsy, obstetric mismanagement, meningitis, maxillo-facial and cleft palate surgery, cardiac surgery, orthopaedic surgery (especially the upper limb), spinal surgery, and psychiatric management of patients. He is fully conversant with the required analysis of breach and causation elements in issues of liability, together with a ready understanding of all quantum matters having been involved in high value claims often involving structured settlements of each type.
Alternative Dispute Resolution
Christian has long and extensive experience of alternative dispute resolution having participated over 2 decades in many arbitrations, and countless mediations and joint settlement meetings covering the whole spectrum of disputes covering personal injury and clinical negligence, the latter mainly on behalf of the NHSR. He has been regularly asked to advise in order to resolve inter-insurer disputes. In 2020 he has received training from world –renowned Arbitrators in preparation for entry to the 39 EC ADR Panel for fix-fee arbitrations and adjudications.
Chambers and Partners 2014 name Christian as a Star Individual for Personal Injury, they also rank him for Health and Safety law.
Legal 500 2013 name his as a top ranked junior for Personal Injury and Health and Safety. Christian was named Personal Injury junior of the year at the Chambers Bar Awards 2005 and as the top ranked junior for Personal Injury in the Legal 500 2009.
“He is a joy to watch on his feet and is probably one of the best PI litigators of his generation.” Legal 500 2015
“A truly excellent advocate who inspires confidence in clients.” Legal 500 2015
“A superb advocate in Crown Court.” “He’s very good at taking difficult points and is really good at mitigation.” Chambers and Partners 2015
“He’s extremely intelligent, and very good at cutting through issues and seeing the nuances in a case. You can put him up against any silk you care to name.” Chambers and Partners 2015
“He’s a tremendous advocate, and somebody who really fights your corner in the courtroom.” Chambers amd Partners