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Adam Robb KC
Year of call: 1995
Silk: 2018
Adam specialises in the litigation and arbitration of large construction, engineering and infrastructure disputes, often involving professional negligence and insurance issues. He has experience of disputes arising out of the major UK and international forms of contract and a wide range of projects including:
- energy (including oil, gas and renewables)
- transport (including roads, rail, ports and airports)
- water and water treatment
- hospitals and healthcare
- retail and leisure
Adam has particular expertise in relation to disputes arising out of private finance initiative
(PFI) and similar projects, including payment mechanism, funding and construction disputes.
He is an experienced advocate and has appeared before a wide range of courts and tribunals, including the Court of Appeal and the High Court (including the Commercial Court and the Technology and Construction Court (TCC)), numerous domestic and international arbitral tribunals, as well as in adjudications. He regularly advises and represents clients in alternative dispute resolution processes, including mediation.
Areas of expertise
Construction, Engineering and Infrastructure Disputes
Adam specialises in the litigation and arbitration of large construction, engineering and infrastructure disputes, often involving professional negligence and insurance issues. He has experience of disputes arising out of the major UK and international forms of contract and a wide range of infrastructure projects.
Cases of note
- Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust v Lendlease - Adam represents the NHS trust in this very significant TCC claim arising out of alleged serious defects (including, fire defects) at a new accident and emergency hospital in north east England.
- A v B - Adam acted for a major international contractor in relation to a US$100m dispute concerning alleged defects in a refinery.
- C v D - Adam acts for three purchasers of biomass plants in an ICC arbitration arising out of termination disputes valued at £100m.
Adam has significant experience of disputes arising out of high value energy projects, including oil and gas and renewables.
Cases of note
- A v B - Adam acted for a major international contractor in relation to a US$100m dispute in an ICC arbitration concerning alleged defects in a refinery.
- C v D - Adam acts for three purchasers of biomass plants in an ICC arbitration arising out of termination disputes valued at £100m.
International Arbitration
Adam has significant experience of and expertise in the international arbitration of infrastructure (including transport, energy, water treatment) and commercial (including sales of goods and long-term supply contracts) disputes, in Europe, the Middle East (including Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Qatar and KSA), Asia, Africa and the Caribbean. He is a dual UK/Australian national and holds full UK and Australian passports.
Cases of note
- Representing a contractor JV in a US$1 billion dispute concerning the design and construction of a new airport in the Middle East
- Representing three purchasers of biomass plants in an ICC arbitration arising out of termination disputes valued at over £100m
- Representing a KSA water company in a commercial dispute in an ad hoc arbitration
- Representing a major international contractor in relation to a US$100m dispute in an ICC arbitration concerning alleged defects in a ULSD refinery in the Caribbean
- Representing a Hungarian company in an ICC arbitration concerning commodity sales and force majeure
- Representing a Kuwaiti contractor in ICC arbitrations in termination disputes arising out of waste water treatment plants in the Middle East
- Representing a German contractor in an ICC arbitration with respect to infrastructure design in a port project in Africa
- Representing a Chinese contractor in an ICC arbitration concerning the termination of a sulphuric acid/ copper project in Africa
Adam has significant experience of and expertise in disputes arising out PFI projects, including in the healthcare and education sectors. These disputes include payment mechanisms, deductions, service failures, and construction defects, including energy, fire safety and structural defects.
Construction Professionals' Liability
Adam’s experience in relation to construction professionals’ liability includes:
- E v F - Adam represented a leading engineering consultancy in a domestic arbitration defending a very high-value professional negligence claim arising out of a United Kingdom transport (rail) infrastructure project.
- G v H - Adam represented a contractor in a c£150million TCC professional negligence claim against a structural engineer in relation to defects in a retail development car park.