
Land value capture: a new consensus - Richard Harwood OBE QC

  1. A new consensus appears to be forming around land value capture, which emphasises the effective working of the planning system.
  2. A coalition of interest groups and policy bodies wrote to the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government, James Brokenshire, on 20th August 2018 (the Onward letter) seeking three things: effective policing of contributions under planning obligations; a stronger role for local authorities in bringing forward sites; and changes to compensation rules so that 'that local authorities should be able to compulsorily purchase land at fair market value that does not include prospective planning permission, rather than speculative "hope" value'. The coalition's intentions on the latter point have been more fully explained and very heavily qualified by Shelter in a blog on 21st August 2018.
To read Richard's full article, please click here.