Safeguarding Adults Week 2023
Everyone’s Business is a safeguarding podcast which explores interesting and unique perspectives in respect of safeguarding children and adults at risk. The series is part of 39 Essex’s Public Law podcast and features guests who can offer exceptional insight into the subject. The series first was released with ten episodes over summer 2022. From safeguarding in sports to the role of the Safeguarding Adults Board, there is something for everyone.
In 2023 we returned for Safeguarding Adults Week.
Episode 15 - The Duties of Charities in respect of Adult Safeguarding
This episode of Everyone’s Business discussed the safeguarding of adults in charities. Ian and Francesca discussed the issues and responsibilities surrounding the safeguarding of adults within the charity sector. Together they reflected on the widely publicised safeguarding concerns which occurred in the overseas aid sector. They consider why and how does a charity need to anticipate safeguarding risks? How do we take a survivor led approach to safeguarding? Who is responsible for investigating and reporting violations within a charity? All charities have a responsibility to not cause harm; Ian and Francesca discussed how this responsibility manifests and what the increased obligations for safeguarding means for policy and practice.
Episode 14 - Safeguarding Adults in School and University Settings with Steve Broach and Anna Bicarregui
In episode 14 of Everyone’s Business, Steve and Anna began discussing the complex area which is the safeguarding of adults in education. This episode focused on adults who have just turned 18 and are still in secondary school, FE colleges specifically those providing education for disabled adults and adults with special educational needs, and young adults in higher education. The overarching theme throughout this podcast is how little specific guidance and policy there is for safeguarding in adults in education – this is in stark contrast to the rigorous and frequently reviewed policies that safeguard children.
Steve and Anna ask what is the difference between safeguarding children in education as opposed to adults? How should an educational institution go about safeguarding when there is such a wide range of different needs, capacities and indeed ages in those they are educating? What should an educational institution do while investigating safeguarding concerns, specifically when this occurs between students? This podcast by two experienced barristers in the field starts to open up the conversation on this complex field which lacks detailed guidance for institutions to follow.
Episode 13 - Is Safeguarding Adults a Commercial Concern? with Ian Brownhill and Scarlett Milligan
Companies are becoming increasingly scrutinised regarding their obligations in respect of safeguarding. Ian Brownhill and Scarlett Milligan discussed what this means in practice, thinking about how the statutory regime applies to commercial enterprises throughout the supply chain as well. Do commercial companies in fact have safeguarding obligations? What happens when a company finds itself on the receiving end of a statutory safeguarding enquiry? And how does market position and consumer demand impact companies' actions in respect of safeguarding? Ian and Scarlett delve into how individual safeguarding concerns can morph into civil liability and reputational damage.
Episode 12 - Safeguarding Adults in Sport with Susan Rodway KC and Nicola Greaney KC
Safeguarding in competitive sports has increasingly featured in headlines with allegations of assault, grooming and abuses of power. 39 Essex Chambers barristers Susan and Nicola discussed what makes the sporting arena susceptible to so many safeguarding issues. What is it about the relationship between coach and athlete which creates a risk of abuse? What safeguarding frameworks exist to safeguard adults who would not be treated as “adults at risk” in safeguarding policies? How can the risk of abuse for adults in sport be mitigated?
Episode 11 - An Introduction to Safeguarding Adults with Katie Scott and Nyasha Weinberg
Episode 11 introduced the different types and means by which someone falls under the umbrella of the safeguarding of adults from two 39 Essex Chambers barristers. What is meant by an adult who lacks mental capacity? In what scenario are they considered to need safeguarding? Through the analysis of The Care Act, they give their thoughts on the obligations of care workers and the steps that can be taken to uphold safeguarding protections. Katie and Nyasha clearly explain how authorities, carers and individuals can understand their responsibility to those who are considered unable to take meaningful steps to protect their persons and their interests.
What Chambers offers?
Our members offer a broader range of expertise in this area of the law, both here and overseas. We have experience in advising, supporting and representing the interests of those who have suffered abuse and are able to quickly respond to assist organisations when an allegation is made. Our team advise as to organisations’ safeguarding responsibilities, conduct investigations on their behalf and assist them to respond to statutory enquiries. Many of our clients have an international footprint and we are able to advise on how systems operate across jurisdictions. Chambers are able to offer advice in respect of safeguarding children and adults. All sectors are catered for and our experience includes: sport, charities, the public sector, faith organisations and commercial organisations conducting public contracts. Read more
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- Ian Brownhill (Barrister) -
- Sheraton Doyle (Senior Practice Manager) -
- Peter Campbell (Senior Practice Manager) - Peter