Planning, Environment & Property Newsletter - November 2016
Welcome to the November bumper edition of the Planning, Environment & Property Newsletter, which we hope will provide some fuel for debates and discussions.
First, Richard Harwood QC provides a summary of the changes to planning, compulsory purchase and compensation that are proposed by the Neighbourhood Planning Bill. This issue contains two articles 'hot off the press' from Stephen Tromans QC and Rose Grogan, the first of which considers the liability of local authorities under Part 2A of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 following the decision of the High Court in Price and Hardwicke v Powys County Council [2016] EWHC 2596. Stephen and Rose's second article discusses the high profile Client Earth case in the Supreme Court, in which they acted on behalf of the Mayor of London. Sandwiched between those two articles is James Burton's short summary of Gladman Developments Ltd v Daventry District Council and Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government [2016] EWCA Civ 1146, in which Thomas Hill QC and Christiaan Zwart acted for the successful respondent. The Daventry case marks a further step in the rehabilitation of local plans in the context of the NPPF following the much discussed Suffolk Coastal / Richborough appeal from earlier this year. We hope to include a more detailed consideration of the Daventry case and its significance in our Christmas edition. Duncan Sinclair then sets out his thoughts on the potential impact of Brexit on Environmental law in the UK, focusing on climate change issues before Rosie Scott discusses the interpretation of section 25 of the Tribunals Courts and Enforcement Act 2007 following William Hill Organization Limited v Crossrail Limited [2016] UKUT 274 (LC).
As ever, thanks for your interest.