
Mental Capacity Report - July 2017

Welcome to the July 2017 Mental Capacity Report. Highlights this month include:

(1) In the Health, Welfare and Deprivation of Liberty Report: important decisions grappling with the meaning of best interests in the contexts of religious practices and delusional beliefs, and (finally) detailed statistics about s.21A/Re X cases;

(2) In the Property and Affairs Report: a new approach to severance and gifts;

(2) In the Practice and Procedure Report: changes to – and extension of the scope of – the Transparency Pilot and comments sought on a mediation pilot project;

(3) In the Wider Context Report: post-PJ problems, problems with care homes and capacity assessments and are moves really under way to change mental health laws?;

(4) In the Scotland Report: draft rules from Strathclyde Sheriff's Court concerning AWI applications.

We are taking a break over summer, but will be back in early September. In the interim, you can find all our past issues, our case summaries, and more on our dedicated sub-site here, and our one-pagers of key cases on the SCIE website. Alex will also provide updates on truly critical matters on his own website (where you can also find the talk that he gave about the big issues facing the MCA 2005 at our recent 10th birthday party for the Act – thank you to all those who attended and made it such a success).

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