Legal action against Covid-19 lockdown delay
Vikram Sachdeva QC and Gethin Thomas are instructed in a proposed claim that concerns the Secretary of State of Health and Social Care's failure to adequately ensure the safety of the public in its response to the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 ("Covid-19") pandemic. The proposed claimant, Dr Minesh Taltai is an NHS healthcare provider. He, his elderly parents and his pregnant wife contracted Covid-19. His father Mr Navin S. Talati passed away on 18 April 2020 due to respiratory failure with Covid-19 viral pneumonia. The proposed claim contends that the Secretary of State was in breach of his Article 2 duty under the Human Rights Act 1998, as he did not do all that could reasonably be expected of him to avoid a real and immediate risk to life of which he had knowledge. In particular, he did not do enough to protect the public before belatedly instigating lockdown measures after an unjustifiable delay.
The Secretary of State and Public Health England have until 4pm on 12 June 2020 in which to provide a substantive response.
Vikram and Gethin are instructed by Sunil Abeyewickreme of Gunnercooke LLP.
See below for press coverage: