Introducing 'Civil Law Cast'......
We are delighted to launch today the latest podcast from the members of 39 Essex Chambers.
Civil Law Cast is a regular series of issues and developments in civil law, brought to you by our Civil Liability Group.
In our first mini-series, we are exploring the key quantum issues that come up in personal injury and clinical negligence litigation. We introduce the important cases, discuss the common arguments for an against, and offer practical hints and tips which you can use whether you are acting for the claimant or defendant - and the first three episodes are available now!
Episode 1: Accommodation Claims and the Recent Decision in Swift v Carpenter with Daniel Laking
Episode 2: An introduction to care and assistance claims with Vaughan Jacob
Episode 3: General damages: an overview with Caroline Allen
Click HERE to listen.
New episodes will be released on a regular basis so keep an eye on our website for the latest updates and you can also subscribe on iTunes or Spotify.