Professional Negligence
What our barristers do
We act in a wide range of professional negligence claims and associated regulatory issues, including in relation to accountants and auditors, construction professionals, financial practitioners, insurance brokers, solicitors, barristers and surveyors.
Our work concerning accountants and auditors includes failure to detect corporate/management fraud, overvaluation of assets, understatement of liabilities and breaches of corporate governance.
We advise and act for both claimants and defendants in disputes involving alleged professional negligence by architects, engineers, project managers, designers and surveyors in the construction, engineering, information technology, mining and energy sectors.
We also advise and represent clients in related professional indemnity insurance issues and regulatory and disciplinary proceedings. This includes advising clients seeking redress from the Financial Conduct Authority due to alleged deficient advice from their financial advisers on investments, pensions, tax and other financial matters.
Who our barristers act for
We act for both claimants and defendants in professional negligence claims, including indemnity insurers, professional firms, corporates and individuals.
Where our barristers act
Our barristers appear in court proceedings at all levels, from the County Court to the Supreme Court.
We also appear before disciplinary committees, including those of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW), the British Insurance Brokers’ Association (BIBA), the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) and the Bar Mutual Indemnity Fund Limited (BMIF), among others.