Civil Liability Group ADR Scheme

As a world-leading arbitration set and in direct response to the listing delays caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, we are delighted to present a fixed fee alternative dispute resolution (ADR) package to assist in the resolution of small and medium-sized civil claims.

How the scheme works

We offer parties the choice of a binding arbitration scheme or an advisory adjudication scheme with experienced barristers from our civil liability team.

Parties simply agree to subject their dispute (in whole or part) to one of the schemes, select a barrister from our ADR panel and progress their case through the procedure set out in the scheme rules.

Please see below for further details of the ADR package and barrister team.

For any further details or queries, please contact a member of our clerking team:

  • Jamie Tucker, Senior Practice Manager: / (0)20 7832 1179
  • Harry Airth, Practice Manager: / (0)20 7634 9081
  • Joe Ralph, Practice Manager: / (0)20 7832 1182


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