Shortages in Social Care
Shortages in staffing and provision in social care are leading to profound difficulties for people with needs for care and support, carers and local authorities seeking to meet their responsibilities under the Care Act 2014. Recent reports indicate that hundreds of thousands of people are waiting either for assessments or to receive care, and that many people are unable to receive care unless they move into care homes.
This is a practical webinar for all those in local government involved in policy and individual decision-making for social care and its financing to consider the legal implications of the crisis in care with a panel of experts.
Presented by Fenella Morris QC, Sian Davies and Arianna Kelly, this webinar will address:
- Inabilities of public bodies to discharge statutory responsibilities
- Provision of care which is contrary to what a person wants
- The market shaping obligations of local authorities
- Potential areas of challenge
- Planning for financial and social care policy-makers in light of the changing care sector
Date and Time
Thursday 18th November, 4.45pm - 5.45pm
Webinar Recording
Webinar Materials
Click HERE for the presentation slides
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