SEMINAR: Rose tinted spectacles: who watches out for the people we watch
What duties of care might be owed to participants in Love Island and other reality television shows?
And who might owe these duties – production companies, broadcasters, professional advisers?
What role is there for regulators in upholding standards and protecting individuals?
Is enough being done to protect participants, or will there only be change once one of them brings a successful claim for damages?
Join us at 39 Essex Chambers for a breakfast panel discussion to explore how the law could develop in this area.
Thursday 18th July
8.00am (registration and refreshments) 8.15 - 9.15am (panel discussion)
81 Chancery Lane London WC2A 1DD
On indicating your attendance we will send you an imaginary scenario which will form the basis of the debate.
This seminar is free to attend.
For more information and to register attendance, please click here.