09 Sep 2021

Rapid Response to the Health and Social Care Changes announced on 7 September 2021

On 7 September 2020 the Government announced changes to funding of health and social care, in the form of an increase in national insurance, with the long-awaited cap on individual care costs to be implemented.

This is a webinar for all those involved in health and social care across local government, NHS and those representing individuals with health and social care needs to discuss the implications of those changes with a panel of experts.

This webinar will address:

An outline of the proposed changes to funding for the NHS and Social Care

  • Implementation of the cap on care costs and changes to charging, including capital limits – how will this work in practice, and what steps should local authorities and individuals be taking now ?
  • Impact on other areas of the Care Act 2014 including financial assessments and market shaping obligations of local authorities
  • Potential areas of challenge
  • Looking to the future, greater integration of health and social care through this joint funding levy?

The speakers welcome any questions in advance which you can send to marketing@39essex.com. There will also be an opportunity to ask questions using Zoom's Q&A.

Date and Time

Thursday 9th September, 5pm - 6pm

Webinar Recording




Webinar Materials

Click HERE for the presentation slides


Click HERE for the Rapid Response Note

PLEASE NOTE: This webinar is hosted by Zoom. Please visit the Zoom website for their Terms & Conditions.