02 Apr 2020
The Coronavirus Act - implications for education, social care and mental health
This webinar will consider the implications of the new Coronavirus Act for the delivery of education and social care and the operation of the Mental Health Act 1983 in England.
The webinar is presented by Fenella Morris QC, Victoria Butler-Cole QC and Steve Broach, who have worked closely on this unprecedented legislation since the Bill was first introduced to Parliament.
View hereDATE & TIME:
Thursday, 2nd April 2020 3:30 PM - 5:00 PMVENUE:
WebinarThe webinar will cover:
- The wholesale disapplication of the Care Act duties, and what local authorities and care providers are now expected to deliver in terms of care and support to disabled adults and those in transition to adulthoods
- The new power for the Secretary of State to disapply or modify key education law duties, and how this power may change the way education, and in particular special educational provision, is delivered
- The changes to the operation of the Mental Health Act 1983, what these mean for providers, clinicians and patients and how patient rights can be safeguarded
- Practical measures that public bodies, care providers, service users and other stakeholders can take in this fast changing context
PLEASE NOTE: This webinar is hosted by Zoom. Please visit the Zoom website for their Terms & Conditions.