9th Edition of Disciplinary and Regulatory Proceedings Seminar and Book Launch
The 9th edition of "Disciplinary & Regulatory Proceedings" was published at the end of last year and is the leading text in this area, and covers the full range of professionals from Healthcare regulators (e.g. doctors, dentists, nurses) to solicitors, accountants and those in the financial services sector.
The edition has been authored by Greg-Treverton Jones QC, Alison Foster QC and Saima Hanif. They have been assisted by a team of 13 expert contributors, all at 39 Essex Chambers.
The text is available for purchase here
To celebrate this publication, 39 Essex Chambers and Lexis Nexis will be hosting a seminar at which the three editors, Alison Foster QC, Gregory Treverton-Jones QC and Saima Hanif will give presentations related to their respective chapters. The seminar will be followed by a drinks reception.
Monday 26th March 2018Timings:
5.45pm - registration 6:00pm - 7:00pm - seminar 7.00pm onwards - drinks and canapesVenue:
81 Chancery Lane London WC2A 1DDSpeakers and Topics:
Alison Foster QC - An update on cases in the regulation of healthcareGregory Treverton-Jone QC - Solicitors' (mis)conduct - issues for the next ten years
Saima Hanif - FCA enforcement activity: current update and futue trends
To book a place please click here