
All-In or All-Out? Global Energy Horizons Corporation v The Winros Partnership

Global Energy Horizons Corporation v The Winros Partnership (formerly Rosenblatt Solicitors) [2020] 8 WLUK 247 (SCCO Ref: JJ1602737, Master James, 20/08/20)

This case provides an example of a solicitor-client fall-out on an epic scale.

Back in December 2016, I recall a year in which the candle appeared to have been burning at both ends and looking forward to a rare skiing holiday with friends after Christmas. And then, on about 27th December, my then senior clerk phoned to see if I would be interested in being a part of the counsel team on what was on its face an exciting and long-running commercial dispute requiring immediate hands-on. As many (I am sure) in my position would have done, I bowed out of the holiday and looked forward to reading into 180 lever-arch files. I was recruited by the Defendant, Mr. Gray, amidst a change in his legal team, and in due course the counsel team took on more leaders and evolved itself. My contribution was, in the grand scheme of things, very small. Nevertheless, the case was fascinating and I witnessed supreme skill from solicitors and leaders at the common law and commercial Bar. Upon my arrival, it appeared that the Claimant had also had a change in legal team from Rosenblatt Solicitors ("RS") to Bird & Bird LLP. The dispute between the parties was bitter. Allegations and cross-allegations were made at every level. It took its toll on the Defendant. It had been running for years. The significant judgments were given first by Vos J (as he then was) in 2012, later from Sales J (as he then was) in 2014 and later still Asplin J (as she then was) in 2015. And here it is again, in 2020, this time unravelling some detail about the massive dispute between solicitor and client on the Claimant side.

You can read Shaman Kapoor's full post on our Commercial, Construction & International Arbitration Blog here.