
The Arbitration Foundation of South Africa (AFSA) launches its new International Arbitration Rules

On Wednesday, 1 July 2020, the Arbitration Foundation of South Africa (AFSA), launched its new International Arbitration Rules for public comment. The launch was via a webinar hosted by Prof Dr Maxi Scherer, Chair of the Drafting Committee and Advisory Board, with a welcome address by Patrick Lane SC, Chairman of AFSA International.

During the webinar, Chiann Bao, Rémy Gerbay, Ndanga Kamau, and Jonathan Ripley-Evans (all members of the Drafting Committee), highlighted some of the key features of the draft rules pertaining to emergency arbitrators, expedited proceedings, early dismissal of claims, non-participating parties, multi-party/contract proceedings (including joinder and consolidation), confidentiality, and third-party funding.

A copy of the draft rules can be found here.

AFSA welcomes comments on the draft rules until 31 August 2020 at

A full list of Drafting Committee and Advisory Board members can be found here.