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Peter Rees KC

“He is very experienced and a big name in international arbitration. He is very knowledgeable, an excellent chairman, very prompt and responsive.” Chambers and Partners 2022

Peter Rees KC specialises in international arbitration and is widely recognized as one of the leading practitioners in this area in the world. He is listed as a leading expert in international arbitration by various directories including Chambers UK, Chambers Europe, The Legal 500 UK, Legal 500 Asia Pacific, Who’s Who Legal and Chambers Global.

Peter’s extensive experience as arbitrator extends to handling large scale and complex disputes in many industrial and commercial sectors, in diverse jurisdictions and subject to a wide variety of governing laws. He is particularly well known for handling the most complex and high-value construction, engineering, oil and gas disputes as well as investment treaty disputes.

Peter was Legal Director and Member of the Executive Committee of Royal Dutch Shell Plc from 1 January 2011 until he stepped down at the beginning of 2014. In that role, he had ultimate responsibility for the Shell global legal function and for advising the Shell Group management on all legal matters of group-wide importance. Prior to joining Shell, Peter was a partner at Norton Rose for nearly 20 years, including eight years as Head of Global Dispute Resolution, and a partner for five years at Debevoise & Plimpton.

Areas of expertise


Peter has been arbitrator in over one hundred arbitrations and has significant experience in handling disputes under the rules of most of the major institutions including the ICC, LCIA, ICSID, SCC, SIAC, AAA, ICDR, CPR, AIAC, HKIAC and CIArb as well as numerous ad hoc arbitrations subject to UNCITRAL Rules.

Over the last 20 years, he has served as Vice President of the LCIA Court, Member of the Governing Body of the ICC Court of Arbitration, Member of the Board of CPR, Member of the Board of Trustees of the CIArb, and Member of the Advisory Board of the VIAC.

Cases of note:

  • ICC arbitration subject to German law in relation to a dispute over the construction of a major scientific facility in South America.
  • ICC arbitration subject to Turkish law arising out of a major construction project in Turkey.
  • LCIA arbitration subject to English law in relation to a dispute arising out of the sale purchase agreement and option agreement to purchase shares in the parent company of a Central European mobile phone company.
  • UNCITRAL arbitration subject to English law arising out of an infrastructure project in the Middle East.
  • ICSID arbitration relating to renewable energy in Spain.
  • ICDR (AAA) arbitration subject to Irish law arising out of a hotel management agreement.
  • ICC arbitration subject to English law in relation to a sub-sea pipe laying project in the Mediterranean.
  • ICC arbitration subject to English law over the licencing of a pharmaceutical product.
  • LCIA arbitration subject to English law arising out of a mobile telephone joint venture in Africa.
  • ICC arbitration subject to English law arising out of a shareholders’ agreement.
  • LCIA gas price review arbitration.
  • HKIAC arbitration subject to Hong Kong law arising out of a property development joint venture.
  • SCIA emergency arbitrator appointment subject to English law arising out of a dispute between a sports team and a team member.
  • ICANN dispute over award of top-level generic domain name.
  • ICC arbitration subject to English law arising out of the granting of oil concessions in West Africa.
  • LCIA arbitration subject to English law arising out of the shooting of a seismic programme.
  • ICC arbitration subject to the law of a South American country arising out of a crude oil supply agreement.
  • LCIA arbitration subject to Kuwaiti law arising out of the construction of pipelines.
  • LCIA arbitration subject to English law arising out of the construction of an offshore platform.
  • ICSID arbitration arising out of gas supply arrangements to a public utility in Turkey.
  • ICC arbitration subject to English law arising out of the construction of a power project in the Middle East.
  • ICC arbitration subject to Ontario law arising out of a construction project in Central America.
  • ICC arbitration subject to English law arising out of an oil drilling project in West Africa.
  • ICSID arbitration arising out of a construction project in Mozambique.
  • ICC arbitration subject to Michigan law arising out of a raw materials supply contract.
  • DIAC arbitration subject to UAE law arising out of a construction project in the Middle East.
  • ICC arbitration subject to English law relating to the construction of commercial aircraft.
  • LCIA arbitration over a gas pricing dispute.
  • ICC arbitration subject to English law arising out of a seismic acquisition contract.
  • SIAC arbitration subject to Singapore law arising out of a dredging contract
  • UNCITRAL Rules arbitration subject to the law of a Central African country arising out of an electricity generation project.
  • UNCITRAL Rules arbitration subject to the law of a Central African country relating to an electricity supply contract.
  • ICC arbitration subject to English law arising out of an offshore drilling contract.
  • ICC arbitration subject to the law of Western Australia relating to a large construction project.
  • ICC arbitration subject to English law arising out of a production sharing agreement.


Peter is an accredited mediator with ADR Chambers and handles mediations in a wide variety of commercial fields. His approach is to ensure the parties know both the strengths, but more particularly the weaknesses, in their respective cases, that the senior executives attending the mediation fully understand the other side’s case, and to find the common ground, not just legally, but commercially, between the parties. Peter’s corporate background helps him understand the financial and corporate drivers behind the stances the parties are taking.

Cases of note:

  • Dispute over professional fees payable following a corporate acquisition.
  • Dispute over obligations under an oil and gas joint operating agreement.
  • Dispute over contractor’s claims on a major refurbishment contract.
  • Dispute relating to allegations of professional negligence following a corporate acquisition.
  • Dispute relating to claims for extensions of time, loss and expense and liquidated damages under a construction contract.


  • “An excellent presiding arbitrator with an authoritative style and an excellent grasp of technical issues” Legal 500 Asia Pacific 2025
  • “He is one of the most sought-after arbitrators.” “He is very experienced and a big name in international arbitration. He is very knowledgeable, an excellent chairman, very prompt and responsive.” “Outstanding intellect, very perceptive and gives excellent judgments.” Chambers and Partners 2022
  • “Peter brings to the party both great experience and an enquiring mind.” The Legal 500 2022
  • “One of the top arbitrators for major construction, energy and infrastructure disputes in the Asia Pacific region.” The Legal 500 Asia Pacific 2022
  • “At the top of the field for energy-related construction disputes.” The Legal 500 Asia Pacific 2019
  • “Strong, decisive, clear-eyed, and well able to delineate between what is important and what is irrelevant.” The Legal 500 2018
  • He really knows the industry, not just issues in the industry. He understands the commercial drivers of why the case is there to begin with.” Chambers and Partners 2017