
London's housing need: Publication London Plan support for small site development

By decision letter dated 24 February 2021 Inspector Miell (MPlan MRTPI) has granted planning permission for residential development of garden land when underscoring strategic Publication London Plan support for new homes on small sites for significantly increasing the contributions of such sites for meeting London's housing need.

The appeal followed a decision of the London Borough of Hillingdon to refuse permission in addition to previous decisions of Inspectors to refuse, when considering whether harm would be caused to the open and verdant character of the area and the contribution of garden land.

The decision rightly observes the evolution in London Plan policy support for small sites and casts PLP policy (H2) as providing an important context to the application of localised development plan restrictions that provide for a 'presumption' against the loss of garden land, in favour of maintaining local character and amenity, subject to 'exceptionality'.

Juan Lopez represented the successful landowner.