14 Mar 2018

Karen Gough Chaired a Session at the InterPacific Bar Association Conference Held in Manila, Philippines, on 16th March

At the recent IPBA conference in Manila, Karen Gough chaired a successful roundtable discussion on the new FIDIC 2017 Rainbow Suite of Contracts with conference delegates.  She had the privilege to work with three excellent speakers who each made a presentation on a designated topic, from which the discussions then proceeded.

Peter Atkinson, HKA, Hong Kong: Practical changes, including programming and time; variations, termination and other administrative provisions.

Miranda Liu of Formosan Brothers, Taiwan:  The role of the Engineer.

Paul Sandosham, Clifford Chance, Singapore – Claims and Dispute Avoidance and Adjudication Boards.

The speakers are happy to share their slides which can be accessed by these links:

PaulSandosham FIDIC Slides 501960-4-1438 v0.7

Changes in Engineer's Role & Function_Miranda C. Liu_031418r

IPBA Manila 18031PeterAtkinson

Other speakers from 39 Essex Chambers included Alison Foster QC, Susan Rodway QC, Marion Smith QC and David Bateson.