39 Essex Chambers Mental Capacity Case Reports Issue 3: October 2023
As the Court of Protection Law Reports series has been discontinued by LexisNexis, the Court of Protection has lost a dedicated series of headnoted reports. Pending any other publisher picking up the baton, we are stepping into the breach with this new series of headnotes, of which this is issue 3.
This series, which has its own citation [2023] 39ECMCR [xx], is unofficial, but we hope that it will be of assistance. Cases which appear in this series of headnotes are ones which meet the criteria of:
- containing an authoritative interpretation of the Mental Capacity Act 2005; or
- addressing a point of practice or procedure of wider significance.
The series of headnotes stands alongside our ordinary Mental Capacity Reports, in which you will find a longer summary and comment on the cases headnoted here, together with summaries and comments on cases which do not meet the criteria for inclusion here. The case report that you can find on our database will include both the headnote and the summary/comment.
For each case, you will find the headnote, together with a hyperlink to the case entry on The National Archives database.
Previous issues in the series can be found here.
Download the report below.