Harassment by Publication

What our barristers do

We advise claimants and defendants in respect of publication harassment, commonly concerning online and social media content. Our barristers appear in applications for interim injunctions on an urgent basis. In our approach to this developing area of law we draw on our wider experience of privacy, data protection and defamation law as well as non-publication claims under the Protection from Harassment Act 1997.

Who our barristers act for

We act for private individuals, corporate bodies, journalists and media organisations, MPs, political parties, charities, free speech organisations, NGOs central and devolved government departments, local authorities, law enforcement agencies, NHS trusts, education authorities, professional regulatory bodies as well as professional and amateur sports bodies.

Where our barristers act

We appear in the High Court (Media & Communications List and Administrative Court), Court of Appeal and Supreme Court. Our barristers also appear in public inquiries (Robert Jay QC, now Mr Justice Jay, was counsel to the Leveson Inquiry and Lord Dyson investigated and reported to the BBC on its 1995 Panorama interview with the Princess of Wales).

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