Data Protection

What our barristers do

We advise and act in all matters concerning the application and scope of the UK General Data Protection Regulation and Data Protection Act 2018. Our work concerns all aspects of data protection law whether in an advisory or contentious capacity, in the private or public law spheres, domestically or internationally. There is a substantial overlap between our data protection, public law and wider media law practices.

Who our barristers act for

We act for private individuals, businesses, charities, NGOs, central government departments, local government, law enforcement agencies, NHS trusts, education authorities, professional regulatory bodies, media organisations, as well as professional and amateur sports bodies.

Where our barristers act

We appear in the First-tier Tribunal and Upper Tribunal of the General Regulatory Chamber, the County Court, High Court (Media & Communications List and Administrative Court), Court of Appeal and Supreme Court. Our barristers also appear in public inquiries.

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