Mental Capacity Case

HSE of Ireland v Moorgate

Hayden J

In The Health Service Executive of Ireland v Moorgate [2020] EWCOP 12, Hayden J considered in some detail the operation of the regime under Schedule 3 MCA 2005 for recognition and enforcement, in the context of a placement of a young Irish woman at an English psychiatric facility for treatment of anorexia nervosa.  The placement took place under cover of an order of the Irish High Court, put forward for recognition and enforcement by the Court of Protection.

Baker J had previously had to address the complex questions of law to which this gave rise in 2015 (The Health Service Executive of Ireland v PA & Ors [2015] EWCOP 38).   This was the first time the current Vice-President of the Court of Protection had had to consider them.  His judgment provides an updated route-map for navigating the complexities, and also (as an appendix) an endorsed and detailed comparison of the domestic regimes (MHA and MCA) that would apply were a person placed under a foreign order were, in fact, to be treated under the frameworks that would apply if they were habitually resident in England & Wales.