
Response from environmental regulators and government agencies to Covid-19

We have produced a short note summarising the key documents from the UK's planning and environmental regulators and government agencies regarding their responses to the COVID-19 pandemic, which we have summarised in the attached document.  Our intention is twofold: first, to maintain the attached as an online summary; second, to provide regular updates via our weekly Planning, Environment and Property newsletter, which will highlight any changes to the attached summary and, we hope, will develop into a reference resource for those working in the fields as the pandemic (and associated restrictions) develop.

At present, the following regulators are covered:

  1. The Planning Inspectorate
  2. The Environment Agency
  3. The Office for Nuclear Regulation
  4. UK Atomic Energy Authority
  5. Natural England
  6. The Canal and River Trust
  7. Natural Resources Wales
  8. Welsh Government Planning Inspectorate
  9. The Marine Maritime Organisation
  10. The Forestry Commission
Please see here to read the full bulletin.

NOTE: We have only provided what seem to us to be the key points.  Should you wish to rely on a document, you should read the document in full for yourself and/or seek specific legal advice.