
I (or is it you?) don't like Mondays: Moylett v Geldof (Practical Law Dispute Resolution Blog (Melissa Shipley)

In Moylett v Geldof and another, Carr J has given a very short judgment on the first defendant's application to strike out parts of the claimant's expert report.

The substance of the case is now famous. The first defendant was Bob Geldof and the claimant was John Moylett, former Boomtown Rats bandmate and keyboardist. John Moylett claimed that he wrote part of the hit I Don't Like Mondays, but had never been credited and was seeking a share of the royalties. Given the song was first released in 1979, and hence there are significant royalties at stake, who doesn't like Mondays has never been so significant (for Bob Geldof and John Moylett at least).

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