Planning Policymaking

What our barristers do

We advise, draft representations and appear in national and local policy making processes. These may be national policies or the formulation of local plans, local development plans, neighbourhood plans and supplementary planning documents.

Our work includes advising plan makers on legal requirements, the adequacy of evidence, working on responses and guiding through the processes. For those responding to policy making, we assist with representations and advice.

Our barristers appear at hearings throughout the plan making process.

Who our barristers act for

We act for all participants in planning policy making processes. These include local authorities, parish councils and neighbourhood forums making plans, landowners, developers, statutory consultees, interest groups and local residents.

Where our barristers act

Our barristers appear in local plan or local development plan examinations in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. England has neighbourhood plans, and we appear in those examinations. We are also involved in plan making processes in overseas jurisdictions.

Our barristers appear in High Court and appellate proceedings on judicial review and applications under section 113 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2002 against planning policies.

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